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= Codes And Their Meaning =
= Codes And Their Meaning =
'''(*baseball)''' Words like this with a star in paranthesis describes the '''primitive''' meaning according to Heisig, '''not the actual meaning of the Kanji itself'''.
'''(*baseball)''' Words like this with a star in paranthesis describes the '''primitive''' meaning according to Heisig, '''not the actual meaning of the Kanji itself'''.

= Heisig 0001-0250 =
= Heisig 0001-0250 =

Revision as of 15:53, 12 December 2010

Just a placeholder for now. This page will contain a list of the Kanjis from Heisig's book(s) called "Remembering The Kanji", it will allow you to quickly find a kanji by keyword/meaning or by number.

Codes And Their Meaning

(*baseball) Words like this with a star in paranthesis describes the primitive meaning according to Heisig, not the actual meaning of the Kanji itself.

Heisig 0001-0250

0001 一 one
0002 二 two
0003 三 three
0004 四 four
0005 五 five
0006 六 six
0007 七 seven
0008 八 eight
0009 九 nine (*baseball)
0010 十 ten
0011 口 mouth
0012 日 day
0013 月 month
0014 田 rice field
0015 目 eye
0016 古 old
0017 吾 I
0018 冒 risk
0019 朋 companion
0020 明 bright
0021 唱 chant
0022 晶 sparkle
0023 品 goods
0024 呂 spine
0025 昌 prosperous
0026 早 early
0027 旭 rising sun
0028 世 generation
0029 胃 stomach
0030 旦 nightbreak
0031 胆 gall bladder
0032 亘 span
0033 凹 concave
0034 凸 convex
0035 旧 olden days
0036 自 oneself
0037 白 white
0038 百 hundred
0039 中 in
0040 千 thousand
0041 舌 tongue
0042 升 measuring box
0043 昇 rise up
0044 丸 round
0045 寸 measurement
0046 専 specialty
0047 博 Dr.
0048 占 fortune telling
0049 上 above
0050 下 below
0051 卓 eminent
0052 朝 morning
0053 只 only
0054 貝 shellfish
0055 貞 upright
0056 員 employee
0057 見 see
0058 児 newborn babe
0059 元 beginning
0060 頁 page (*head)
0061 頑 stubborn
0062 凡 mediocre
0063 負 defeat
0064 万 ten thousand
0065 句 phrase
0066 肌 texture
0067 旬 decameron
0068 勺 ladle
0069 的 bull's eye
0070 首 neck
0071 乙 fishguts
0072 乱 riot
0073 直 straightaway
0074 具 tool
0075 真 true
0076 工 craft
0077 左 left
0078 右 right
0079 有 possess
0080 賄 bribe
0081 貢 tribute
0082 項 paragraph
0083 刀 sword
0084 刃 blade
0085 切 cut
0086 召 seduce
0087 昭 shining
0088 則 rule
0089 副 vice
0090 別 separate
0091 丁 street (+*nail or spike)
0092 町 village
0093 可 can
0094 頂 place on the head
0095 子 child
0096 孔 cavity
0097 了 complete
0098 女 woman
0099 好 fond
0100 如 likeness
0101 母 mama / mother
0102 貫 pierce
0103 兄 elder brother (*teenager)
0104 克 overcome
0105 小 little
0106 少 few
0107 大 large (St. Bernard dog)
0108 多 many
0109 夕 evening
0110 汐 eventide
0111 外 outside
0112 名 name
0113 石 stone (*stone/rocks)
0114 肖 resemblance (*spark or candle)
0115 硝 nitrate
0116 砕 smash
0117 砂 sand
0118 削 plane
0119 光 ray
0120 太 plump
0121 器 utensil
0122 臭 stinking
0123 妙 exquisite
0124 省 focus
0125 厚 thick
0126 奇 strange
0127 川 stream (+flood)
0128 州 state
0129 順 obey
0130 水 water
0131 氷 icicle
0132 永 eternity
0133 泉 spring
0134 原 meadow
0135 願 petition
0136 泳 swim
0137 沼 marsh
0138 沖 open sea
0139 江 creek
0140 汁 soup
0141 潮 tide
0142 源 source
0143 活 lively
0144 消 extinguish
0145 況 but of course
0146 河 river
0147 泊 overnight
0148 湖 lake
0149 測 fathom
0150 土 soil (+*dirt, ground, land)
0151 吐 spit
0152 圧 pressure
0153 埼 cape
0154 垣 hedge
0155 圭 squared jewel (*ivy)
0156 封 seal
0157 涯 horizon
0158 寺 Buddhist temple
0159 時 time
0160 均 level
0161 火 fire (*fireplace/hearth/conflagration) 
0161 火 fire (*when at bottom ovenfire, cauldron, cooking fire, flames) 
0162 炎 inflammation
0163 煩 anxiety
0164 淡 thin
0165 灯 lamp
0166 畑 farm
0167 災 disaster
0168 灰 ashes
0169 点 spot
0170 照 illuminate
0171 魚 fish
0172 漁 fishing
0173 里 ri (*computer)
0174 黒 black
0175 墨 black ink
0176 鯉 carp
0177 量 quantity
0178 厘 rin
0179 埋 bury
0180 同 same (+*monks dressed in a common habit)
0181 洞 den
0182 胴 trunk
0183 向 yonder
0184 尚 esteem
0185 字 character
0186 守 guard
0187 完 perfect
0188 宣 proclaim
0189 宵 wee hours
0190 安 relax
0191 宴 banquet
0192 寄 draw near
0193 富 wealth
0194 貯 savings
0195 木 tree (*wood, in diff shape: also pole/wooden pole)
0196 林 grove
0197 森 forest
0198 桂 Japanese Judas-tree
0199 柏 oak
0200 枠 frame
0201 梢 treetops
0202 棚 shelf
0203 杏 apricot
0204 桐 paulownia
0205 植 plant
0206 枯 wither
0207 朴 crude
0208 村 town
0209 相 inter-
0210 机 desk
0211 本 book
0212 札 tag
0213 暦 calendar
0214 案 plan
0215 燥 parch
0216 未 not yet
0217 末 extremity
0218 沫 splash
0219 味 flavor
0220 妹 younger sister
0221 朱 vermilion
0222 株 stocks
0223 若 young
0224 草 grass
0225 苦 suffering
0226 寛 tolerant
0227 薄 dilute
0228 葉 leaf
0229 模 imitation
0230 漠 vague
0231 墓 grave
0232 暮 livelihood
0233 膜 membrane
0234 苗 seedling
0235 兆 portent (*full form=portent, left half=turtle)
0236 桃 peach tree
0237 眺 stare
0238 犬 dog (*chihuahua, small dog. In other form: pack of wild dogs)
0239 状 status quo
0240 黙 silence
0241 然 sort of thing
0242 荻 reed
0243 狩 hunt
0244 猫 cat
0245 牛 cow
0246 特 special
0247 告 revelation
0248 先 before
0249 洗 wash
0250 介 jammed in

Heisig 0251-0500

0251 界 world
0252 茶 tea
0253 合 fit
0254 塔 pagoda
0255 王 king (king/scepter)
0256 玉 jewel (*jewel/ball, lacks dot when on left in a kanji)
0257 宝 treasure
0258 珠 pearl
0259 現 present
0260 狂 lunatic
0261 皇 emperor
0262 呈 display
0263 全 whole
0264 栓 plug
0265 理 logic
0266 主 lord (*candlestick)
0267 注 pour
0268 柱 pillar
0269 金 gold (+metal)
0270 銑 pig iron
0271 鉢 bowl
0272 銅 copper
0273 釣 angling
0274 針 needle
0275 銘 Inscription
0276 鎮 tranquilize 
0277 道 road-way
0278 珍 guidance
0279 辻 crossing
0280 迅 swift
0281 造 create
0282 迫 urge
0283 逃 escape
0284 辺 environs
0285 巡 patrol
0286 車 car
0287 連 take along (ie: bring someone along)
0288 軌 rut
0289 輸 transport
0290 前 in front
0291 各 each 
0292 格 status
0293 略 abbreviation
0294 客 guest
0295 額 forehead
0296 夏 summer
0297 処 dispose
0298 条 twig (article, clause, item)
0299 落 fall
0300 冗 superfluous
0301 軍 army
0302 輝 radiance
0303 運 carry
0304 冠 crown
0305 夢 dream
0306 坑 pit (deep pit etc.)
0307 高 tall
0308 享 receive
0309 塾 cram school
0310 熟 mellow
0311 亭 pavilion
0312 京 capital (capital city)
0313 涼 refreshing
0314 景 scenery
0315 鯨 whale
0316 舎 cottage
0317 周 circumference (+*lap)
0318 週 week
0319 士 gentleman (*samurai)
0320 吉 good luck (*aerosol can)
0321 壮 robust
0322 荘 villa
0323 売 sell
0324 学 study
0325 覚 memorize
0326 栄 flourish
0327 書 write
0328 津 haven
0329 牧 breed
0330 攻 aggression
0331 敗 failure
0332 枚 a sheet of
0333 故 happenstance
0334 敬 awe
0335 言 say (*saying, speech, words)
0336 警 admonish
0337 計 plot
0338 獄 prison
0339 訂 revise
0340 討 chastise
0341 訓 instruction
0342 詔 imperial edict
0343 詰 packed
0344 話 tale
0345 詠 recitation
0346 詩 poem
0347 語 word
0348 読 read
0349 調 tune
0350 談 discuss
0351 諾 consent
0352 諭 rebuke
0353 式 style
0354 試 test
0355 弐 two
0356 域 range
0357 賊 burglar
0358 栽 plantation
0359 載 load (ride in edict)
0360 茂 overgrown
0361 成 turn into
0362 城 castle
0363 誠 sincerity
0364 威 intimidate
0365 滅 destroy
0366 減 dwindle
0367 桟 scaffold
0368 銭 coin
0369 浅 shallow
0370 止 stop (*footprint)
0371 歩 walk
0372 渉 ford
0373 頻 repeatedly
0374 肯 agreement
0375 企 undertake
0376 歴 curriculum
0377 武 warrior
0378 賦 levy
0379 正 correct
0380 証 evidence
0381 政 politics
0382 定 determine
0383 錠 lock
0384 走 run
0385 超 transcend
0386 赴 proceed
0387 越 surpass
0388 是 just so
0389 題 topic
0390 堤 dike
0391 建 build
0392 延 prolong
0393 誕 nativity
0394 礎 cornerstone
0395 婿 bridegroom
0396 衣 garment
0397 裁 tailor
0398 装 attire
0399 裏 back
0400 壊 demolition
0401 哀 pathetic
0402 遠 distant
0403 猿 monkey
0404 初 first time
0405 布 linen
0406 帆 sail
0407 幅 hanging scroll
0408 帽 cap
0409 幕 curtain
0410 幌 canopy
0411 錦 brocade
0412 市 market
0413 姉 elder sister
0414 肺 lungs
0415 帯 sash
0416 滞 stagnate
0417 刺 thorn
0418 制 system
0419 製 made in ...
0420 転 revolve
0421 芸 technique
0422 雨 rain (*+weather)
0423 雲 cloud
0424 曇 cloudy weather
0425 雷 thunder
0426 霜 frost
0427 冬 winter
0428 天 heavens (+*heaven)
0429 橋 bridge
0430 嬌 attractive
0431 立 stand up (+*vase)
0432 泣 cry
0433 章 badge 
0434 競 vie
0435 帝 sovereign
0436 童 juvenile
0437 瞳 pupil
0438 鐘 bell
0439 商 make a deal
0440 嫡 legitimate wife
0441 適 suitable
0442 滴 drip
0443 敵 enemy
0444 匕 spoon (+*someone sitting on ground)
0445 北 north
0446 背 stature
0447 比 compare
0448 昆 descendants
0449 皆 all
0450 混 mix
0451 渇 thirst
0452 謁 audience
0453 褐 brown
0454 喝 hoarse
0455 旨 delicious
0456 脂 fat
0457 壱 I (one)
0458 毎 every
0459 敏 cleverness
0460 梅 plum
0461 海 sea
0462 乞 beg
0463 乾 drought
0464 腹 abdomen
0465 複 duplicate
0466 欠 lack (*yawn or lack)
0467 吹 blow 
0468 炊 cook
0469 歌 song
0470 軟 soft
0471 次 next (*second)
0472 茨 briar
0473 資 assets
0474 姿 figure
0475 諮 consult with
0476 賠 compensation
0477 培 cultivate
0478 剖 divide
0479 音 sound
0480 暗 darkness
0481 韻 rhyme
0482 識 discriminating (right primitive is kazoo)
0483 鏡 mirror
0484 境 boundary
0485 亡 perish (+*deceased)
0486 盲 blind
0487 妄 delusion
0488 荒 laid waste
0489 望 ambition
0490 方 direction (*compass)
0491 妨 disturb
0492 坊 boy
0493 芳 perfumed
0494 肪 obese
0495 訪 call on
0496 放 set free
0497 激 violent
     兌 devil
0498 脱 undress
0499 説 rumor
0500 鋭 pointed

Heisig 0501-0750

0501 曽 formerly (*increase)
0502 増 increase
0503 贈 presents
0504 東 east (*direction and political east)
0505 棟 ridgepool
0506 凍 frozen
0507 妊 pregnancy
0508 廷 courts
0509 染 dye
0510 燃 burn
0511 賓 V.I.P.
0512 歳 year-end 
0513 県 prefecture
0514 栃 horse chestnut
0515 地 ground
0516 池 pond
0517 虫 insect (*refers to whole insect kingdom)
0518 蛍 lighting bug
0519 蛇 snake
0520 虹 rainbow
0521 蝶 butterfly
0522 独 single
0523 蚕 silkworm
0524 風 wind
0525 己 self (*snake)
0526 起 rouse
0527 妃 queen
0528 改 reformation
0529 記 scribe
0530 包 wrap
0531 胞 placenta
0532 砲 cannon
0533 泡 bubble
0534 亀 tortoise (*eel)
0535 電 electricity
0536 竜 dragon
0537 滝 waterfall
0538 豚 pork
0539 逐 pursue
0540 遂 consummate
0541 家 house
0542 嫁 marry in
0543 豪 overpowering
0544 腸 intestines
0545 場 location
0546 湯 hot water
0547 羊 sheep
0548 美 beauty
0549 洋 ocean
0550 詳 detailed
0551 鮮 fresh
0552 達 accomplished
0553 羨 envious
0554 差 distinction
0555 着 don
0556 唯 solely
0557 焦 char
0558 礁 reef
0559 集 gather
0560 准 quasi-
0561 進 advance
0562 雑 miscellaneous
0563 雌 feminine
0564 準 semi-
0565 奮 stirred up
0566 奪 rob
0567 確 assurance
0568 午 noon (*horse)
0569 許 permit
0570 歓 delight
0571 権 authority
0572 観 outlook
0573 羽 feathers (+*wings)
0574 習 learn
0575 翌 the following
0576 曜 weekday
0577 濯 laundry
0578 曰 sayeth
0579 困 quandary
0580 固 harden
0581 国 country
0582 団 group
0583 因 cause
0584 姻 matrimony
0585 園 park
0586 回 -times
0587 壇  podium
0588 店 store
0589 庫 storehouse (warehouse)
0590 庭 courtyard
0591 庁 government office
0592 床 bed
0593 麻 hemp
0594 磨 grind
0595 心 heart (*to the left - emotional state of mind, *beneath or right=heart, *bottom - valentine)
0596 忘 forget
0597 忍 endure (long-suffering patience)
0598 認 acknowledge
0599 忌 mourning
0600 志 intention
0601 誌 document
0602 忠 loyalty
0603 串 shish kebab
0604 患 afflicted
0605 思 think
0606 恩 grace (favor freely bestowed)
0607 応 apply (fills a certain need)
0608 意 idea
0609 想 concept
0610 息 breath
0611 憩 recess
0612 恵 favor
0613 恐 fear
0614 惑 beguile
0615 感 emotion
0616 憂 melancholy
0617 寡 widow
0618 忙 busy
0619 悦 ecstasy
0620 恒 constancy
0621 悼 lament
0622 悟 enlightenment
0623 怖 dreadful
0624 慌 disconcerted
0625 悔 repent
0626 憎 hate
0627 慣 accustomed
0628 愉 pleasure
0629 惰 lazy
0630 慎 humility
0631 憾 remorse
0632 憶 recollection
0633 慕 pining
0634 添 annexed
0635 必 invariably
0636 泌 ooze
0637 手 hand
0638 看 watch over
0639 摩 chafe
0640 我 ego
0641 義 righteousness
0642 議 deliberation
0643 犠 sacrifice
0644 抹 rub
0645 抱 embrace
0646 搭 board
0647 抄 extract
0648 抗 confront
0649 批 criticism
0650 招 beckon
0651 拓 clear the land
0652 拍 clap
0653 打 strike
0654 拘 arrest
0655 捨 discard
0656 拐 kidnap
0657 摘 pinch
0658 挑 challenge
0659 指 finger
0660 持 hold
0661 括 fasten
0662 揮 brandish
0663 推 conjecture
0664 揚 hoist
0665 提 propose
0666 損 damage
0667 拾 pick up
0668 担 shouldering (shouldering a burden of some sort)
0669 拠 foothold
0670 描 sketch
0671 操 maneuver
0672 接 touch
0673 掲 put up a notice
0674 掛 hang
0675 研 polish
0676 戒 commandment
0677 械 contraption
0678 鼻 nose
0679 刑 punish
0680 型 mould
0681 才 genius (*genie,  other form-> genie in the bottle)
0682 財 property
0683 材 lumber
0684 存 suppose
0685 在 exist
0686 乃 from (*fist) (note: literally is の)
0687 携 portable
0688 及 reach out (*outstretched hands)
0689 吸 suck
0690 扱 handle
0691 丈 length (*tucked under the arm)
0692 史 history
0693 吏 officer
0694 更 grow late
0695 硬 stiff
0696 又 or again (* crotch)
0697 双 pair
0698 桑 mulberry
0699 隻 vessels
0700 護 safeguard
0701 獲 seize
0702 奴 guy
0703 怒 angry
0704 友 friend
0705 抜 slip out
0706 投 throw
0707 没 drown
0708 設 establishment
0709 撃 beat
0710 殻 husk
0711 支 branch
0712 技 skill
0713 枝 bough
0714 肢 limb
0715 茎 stalk (stem)
0716 怪 suspicious
0717 軽 lightly
0718 叔 uncle
0719 督 coach
0720 寂 loneliness
0721 淑 graceful
0722 反 anti-
0723 坂 slope
0724 板 board
0725 返 return
0726 販 marketing
0727 爪 claw (*vulture)
0728 妥 gentle
0729 乳 milk
0730 浮 floating
0731 将 leader
0732 奨 exhort
0733 採 pick (kanji used for picking fruits from trees)
0734 菜 vegetable
0735 受 accept
0736 授 impart
0737 愛 love
0738 払 pay
0739 広 wide
0740 拡 broaden
0741 鉱 mineral
0742 弁 valve [elbow...two hands]
0743 雄 masculine
0744 台 pedestal
0745 怠 neglect
0746 治 reign
0747 始 commence
0748 胎 womb
0749 窓 window
0750 去 gone
0751 法 method
0752 会 meeting
0753 至 climax (to peak, to arrive at end etc)
0754 室 room (-room)
0755 到 arrival
0756 致 doth
0757 互 mutually
0758 棄 abandon
0759 育 bring up
0760 撤 remove
0761 充 allot
0762 銃 gun
0763 硫 sulfur
0764 流 current
0765 允 license
0766 唆 tempt
0767 出 exit
0768 山 mountain
0769 拙 bungling
0770 岩 boulder
0771 炭 charcoal
0772 岐 branch off
0773 峠 mountain peak
0774 崩 crumble
0775 密 secrecy
0776 蜜 honey
0777 嵐 storm
0778 崎 promonotory
0779 入 enter (+*go-/put-/come in, 八 when at top)
0780 込 crowded
0781 分 part
0782 貧 poverty
0783 頒 partition
0784 公 public
0785 松 pine tree
0786 翁 venerable old man
0787 訟 sue
0788 谷 valley
0789 浴 bathe
0790 容 contain
0791 溶 melt
0792 欲 longing
0793 裕 abundant
0794 鉛 lead (metal)
0795 沿 run alongside [water...gully]
0796 賞 prize
0797 党 party
0798 堂 public chamber
0799 常 usual
0800 裳 skirt
0801 掌 manipulate
0802 皮 pelt
0803 波 waves
0804 婆 old woman
0805 披 expose
0806 破 rend
0807 被 incur
0808 残 remainder
0809 殉 martyrdom
0810 殊 particularly
0811 殖 augment
0812 列 file (people or things lined up in a row)
0813 裂 split
0814 烈 ardent
0815 死 death
0816 葬 interment
0817 瞬 wink
0818 耳 ear
0819 取 take
0820 趣 gist
0821 最 utmost
0822 撮 snapshot
0823 恥 shame
0824 職 post (one's occupation) [ear...kazoo]
0825 聖 holy
0826 敢 daring
0827 聴 listen
0828 懐 pocket
0829 慢 ridicule
0830 漫 loose (cartoon)
0831 買 buy
0832 置 placement
0833 罰 penalty
0834 寧 rather
0835 濁 voiced
0836 環 ring
0837 還 send back
0838 夫 husband
0839 扶 aid
0840 渓 mountain stream
0841 規 standard
0842 替 exchange
0843 賛 approve
0844 潜 submerge
0845 失 lose (+*drop)
0846 鉄 iron
0847 迭 alternate
0848 臣 retainer (*slave)
0849 姫 princess
0850 蔵 storehouse
0851 臓 entrails
0852 賢 intelligent
0853 堅 strict
0854 臨 look to
0855 覧 perusal
0856 巨 gigantic
0857 拒 repel
0858 力 power (*muscle/power)
0859 男 male
0860 労 labor
0861 募 recruit
0862 劣 inferiority
0863 功 achievement
0864 勧 persuade
0865 努 toil
0866 励 encourage
0867 加 add
0868 賀 congratulations
0869 架 erect
0870 脇 armpit
0871 脅 threaten
0872 協 co-
0873 行 going
0874 律 rhythm
0875 復 restore [going...double back (retrace one's course)]
0876 得 gain
0877 従 accompany
0878 徒 junior
0879 待 wait
0880 往 journey
0881 征 subjugate
0882 径 diameter
0883 彼 he
0884 役 duty
0885 徳 benevolence
0886 徹 penetrate
0887 徴 indications
0888 懲 penal
0889 微 delicate
0890 街 boulevard
0891 衡 equilibrium
0892 稿 draft
0893 稼 earnings
0894 程 extent
0895 税 tax
0896 稚 immature
0897 和 harmony
0898 移 shift
0899 秒 second
0900 秋 autumn
0901 愁 distress
0902 私 private
0903 秩 regularity
0904 秘 secret
0905 称 appelation
0906 利 profit
0907 梨 pear tree
0908 穫 harvest
0909 穂 ear of a plant
0910 稲 rice plant
0911 香 incense
0912 季 seasons
0913 委 committe
0914 秀 excel
0915 透 transparent
0916 誘 entice
0917 穀 cereals
0918 菌 germ
0919 米 rice (+*united states)
0920 粉 flour
0921 粘 sticky
0922 粒 grains
0923 粧 cosmetics
0924 迷 astray
0925 粋 chic (style)
0926 糧 provisions
0927 菊 chrysanthemum
0928 奥 core
0929 数 number
0930 楼 watchtower
0931 類 sort
0932 漆 lacquer
0933 様 Esq (sama)
0934 求 request
0935 球 ball
0936 救 salvation
0937 竹 bamboo
0938 笑 laugh
0939 笠 bamboo hat
0940 笹 bamboo grass
0941 筋 muscle
0942 箱 box
0943 筆 writing brush
0944 筒 cylinder
0945 等 etc.
0946 算 calculate
0947 答 solution
0948 策 scheme
0949 簿 register
0950 築 fabricate
0951 人 person
0952 佐 assistant
0953 但 however
0954 住 dwell
0955 位 rank
0956 仲 go-between
0957 体 body
0958 悠 remote
0959 件 affair
0960 仕 attend (*to wait on someone or serve them)
0961 他 other
0962 伏 prostrated
0963 伝 transmit
0964 仏 Budha
0965 休 rest
0966 仮 provisional
0967 伯 chief
0968 俗 vulgar
0969 信 faith
0970 佳 excellent
0971 依 reliant
0972 例 example
0973 個 individual
0974 健 healthy
0975 側 side
0976 侍 waiter
0977 停 halt
0978 値 price
0979 倣 emulate
0980 倒 overthrow
0981 偵 spy
0982 僧 Buddhist priest
0983 億 hundred million
0984 儀 ceremony
0985 償 reparation
0986 仙 hermit
0987 催 sponsor
0988 仁 humanity
0989 侮 scorn
0990 使 use 
0991 便 convenience
0992 倍 double
0993 優 tenderness
0994 伐 fell
0995 宿 inn
0996 傷 wound
0997 保 protect
0998 褒 praise
0999 傑 greatness
1000 付 adhere

Heisig 1001-1250

Heisig 1251-1500

Heisig 1501-1750

Heisig 1751-2000

Heisig 2001-2250

Heisig 2251-2500

Heisig 2501-2750

Heisig 2751-3000

LentoMan 3000+